The Sacramento Area Kitten Rescue Alliance (SAKrescue)  would like to thank Makenna Davis, Klyer Sloan, Nicole Plumb, and Stephanie Thomason – 4 sophomores at Bella Vista High School.  These wonderful girls started “Paws for a Cause”, a student club started through Bella Vista High School whose main goal is to raise awareness for animal neglect and overpopulation.  The group collected blankets, towels and aluminum cans and presented all the blankets and towels along with a cash donation to SAKrescue.  Their generous gifts help allow SAKrescue to continue its mission to the rescue, care, socialization, sterilization, and adoption of orphaned and abandoned kittens and to reduce the total number of abandoned or feral cats in the greater Sacramento area.  SAKrescue appreciates all the hard work these special girls put into this project. 

We'd Love Your Help!

At SAKrescue we love animals and have a deep passion for what we do. Our organization is involved with these future pets throughout the entire rehabilitation process. This process requires these animals getting as much time, love and care as possible. There are many types of tasks that need to be done and regardless of your skill sets there is always something we can use your help with! We are also always looking for possible foster homes.

If you are interested in volunteering your time to help our cause please contact us. We can use all of the helping hands we can get! We look forward to hearing from you!

Sacramento Area Kitten Rescue

A Special Thank You to Our Volunteers!